The “Dying Season”

Jane Wilson was the Senior Adult Minister at South Highland Presbyterian Church. In the late 1990s she told me that January through April, just four months, are “The Dying Season.” More senior adults die in those 17 weeks than the rest of the year combined.

  • The weather in the northern hemisphere can be cold and harsh
  • Christmas and Thanksgiving have passed so there is no major social event “to live for”

Church staffs should prepare themselves the rest of the year to handle the emotions of the Dying Season and they should educate the church members, too, about this time of year. There is little that can be done to stop this except perhaps provide social events in the springtime that will make people look forward to what is coming.

Jane’s comment so many years ago has made me accept better that I lose too many of my friends during a very short and harsh season. Thank you, Jane.

Lead On!
